Landlords will soon have to comply with healthy homes standards.
COLD, DAMP AND MOULDY houses are bad for our health – especially for people with asthma and heart conditions. The healthy homes standards, which were made law in 2019, aim to ensure that all people in rental properties live in a warm, dry home.
Changes kick in on 1 July 2021
The standards establish minimum requirements for heating, moisture ingress and drainage, insulation, ventilation and draught stopping.
Compliance deadlines for the standards start from 1 July 2021, less than 6 months away. The responsibility for complying with the healthy homes standards sits with landlords. Landlords should be acting now to ensure they comply. Staying informed about the standards enables you to assist landlords in making the right decisions on the work they need done to get their properties to comply.
Know about the insulation standard
The insulation standard is one of the areas covered by the healthy homes standards, and it is important to be aware of it. New Zealand already has minimum insulation requirements, and the healthy homes standards build on these, so some existing insulation may need to be topped up or replaced.
All existing insulation must be in reasonable condition to meet the requirements. This means there should be no mould, dampness, damage or gaps, and all insulation must be installed in accordance with NZS 4246:2016 Energy efficiency – Installing bulk thermal insulation in residential buildings.